CSE 20: Discrete Mathematics for Computer Science at UC San Diego
Welcome to CSE20! If you ever wondered "What sort of mathematics do I need for computer science?", this course will provide some of the answers. In particular, you will have the opportunity to learn basic concepts about algorithms, computer arithmetic, number systems, Boolean algebras, logic, proofs, program correctness, modular arithmetic, linear and partial orders, recurrences, and induction, amongst other things. In this class, you will use careful mathematical modeling, problem solving, and clear and precise communication to explore key questions in Computer Science. (1) How do we decide (and prove) what's true? (2) How do we use mathematics to give multiple representations of data and computation?
There are no strict prerequisites but students should have a basic understanding of elementary computer programming, mathematics (algebra, geometry, trigonometry and calculus.)
Important course sites
canvas.ucsd.edu is our material repo and gradebook.gradescope.com is our homework submission site.
piazza.com is our discussion and Q&A forum
course syllabus and schedule: https://canvas.ucsd.edu/courses/58077/assignments/syllabus - detailed version: Course Syllabus